The Treasure Chamber – focusing on Swedish stamps

Follow the development of Swedish stamps from 1855 until 1936.

Enjoy rarities such as beautiful letters with our first Shilling Banco stamps and a unique stamp
sheet with 4 Shilling Banco. The collections also include the only letter with 6 skilling banco stamps. This letter was mailed from Stockholm to London in 1858 and arrived after five days. The postage was the equivalent of the wages paid for one hour’s hard industrial labour.

The museums greatest treasure consists of the “Post Office” stamps from Mauritius from 1847, the world’s first colonial stamps. Look at our two stamps from the Mauritius Post Office and learn from their extraordinary story. Here you also find every Swedish stamp from 1855 until today.

Stamp Collecting:

The King of Hobbies and the Hobby of Kings.

Charles J Philips (1936)